Mission statement

A The fundamental tasks of the Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research are to perform research on the frontier topics of geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, geology and hydrology, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge and research infrastructure to structural geology, hydrogeology, environmental geology and archaeometry. The mission of the institute focuses on three primary areas:

  1. Gathering scientific knowledge about the factors that determine our environmental conditions and the general processes of mineral and rock formation.
  2. Domestic and international dissemination of research results in geochemistry, as well as representation of the field on an international level.
  3. The maintenance and development of the material and intellectual infrastructure of geochemical research to serve emerging scientific, social or economic needs.

The „NANOmineralogy of CAVE Deposits” - NANOCAVE Research Group was established in 2022 to foster the collaboration between the Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, RCAES, Hungary and the Innsbruck Quaternary Research Group, Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck, Austria.


  • +36 30 317 5323
  • 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.
  • olajos.helga at csfk.hun-ren.hu


  • Attila Demény
  • full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • demeny.attila at csfk.hun-ren.hu